Villa De Pietro is an historic house, the summer residence of Michele De Pietro and it is  immersed in a park of 9000 square meters at Cursi,  a small village in the heart of Salento.

Recently renovated by the heirs of the famous jurist,  Villa de Pietro thanks to its central location provides the possibility to move throughout the province of Lecce,  discovering of crystalline seas and white sandy beaches and also  small jewels of art and nature, hidden in a land full of olive trees.

It will be our pleasure to make you discover all this, the choice between sea or countryside will make your vacation an experience to remember with great pleasure. We will think to the welcome (our vocation) and you will think only  to choose between sea,  relax or culture.

You can visit the rooms where he worked and lived Senator De Pietro, staying in comfortable rooms and enjoying our fantastic garden. The ideal for long walks, quiet evenings in the open air, or to enjoy a bit of shade in the hot summers of Salento. The villa’s park is also suitable as a fascinating setting for lunches, dinners, receptions, special events. With the typical Salentine enogastronomy products, and with the welcome and the warmth of the South people.

The Garden


The Garden

Weddings and Events


Weddings and Events

Non solo ospitalità e accoglienza di ospiti e turisti. Villa De Pietro è anche una location perfetta per organizzare eventi, cene, matrimoni. Gli spazi interni della dimora storica e il nostro grande giardino possono essere la cornice ideale per celebrare o festeggiare un evento da ricordare. All’interno della villa infatti si trova anche una cappella privata consacrata, nella quale svolgere, su richiesta, funzioni religiose. Tanti ospiti hanno già scelto l’antica dimora come location per celebrare il proprio matrimonio nel cuore del Salento, così come tanti amici hanno trascorso piacevolissime serate estive cenando in mezzo al verde e al relax del giardino di Villa De Pietro.